
The best converter tool for Windows.

Official SF.net. Official SF.net Page(external link).

Name: TeraConvert

Description: TeraConvert is one of the best multimedia converter tool for Windows. It exploits the power of FFMPEG to convert, encode or decode your favorite files. With its many options, optimized for a simple and effective use, you can simply convert a wide rage of formats. The program is updated every month to provide you the maximum level of efficence and stability that is the main feature of FFMPEG, the core of this program.

Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Chinese Simplified, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish


Windows Operating System -> XP, Vista, 7, 8
IMPORTANT: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 - autodetected, downloaded and installed during setup if needed

Installer: yes, with unistaller. There are also only-binaries packages.



Latest version: M1 (unreleased), TBA, Is stable ? = YES, Next stable version (?)


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