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Video Converter Android / Video Converter v.4.0a "Galileo"
« on: May 12, 2017, 07:46:46 AM »
New major release for Video Converter!

The full changelog:
v. 4.0a "Galileo" - 2017/05
The application has been totally rewritten.
Here there is a partial list of the new features:
- main interface totally redesigned;
- added ability to convert multiple files;
- added ability to insert whole folders;
- added ability to process online medias;
- conversion options unified in a new activity;
- added a new default media chooser (for video, audio and images);
- added a useful media info activity;
- added video conversion presets;
- added a completed conversions activity;
- added ability to set custom frame dimensions;
- added ability to reverse the frame dimensions;
- updating FFmpeg to version 3.2.4;
- updating libYUV;
- minor fixes and improvements.

For more informations and screenshots, see the official blog.

Today we are proud to announce the first stable version of our new Android product, Free Download Accelerator, the ultra fast download manager for your Android device!

Free on the Play Store:

News and announcements / Official Telegram channel and group
« on: April 02, 2017, 03:40:02 AM »
Now aKingi org has an official Telegram channel and group!
With the first you'll be able to directly follow the latest news about our organizations, with all the updates and announcements for our products. The group will be used to directly interact with our development staff, to report bugs or to request help.

Telegram channel
Telegram group

Video Player Android / Video Player 3.1a released!
« on: December 12, 2016, 09:06:55 AM »
Changelog of the 3.X line:
v.3.1a - 2016/12/12
- enabling landscape mode too in medias list;
- updating FFmpeg to 3.2.2;
- updating openSSL to 1.0.2j;
- updating ExoPlayer to 2.0.4;
- improvements in the HW player;
- updating libYUV;
- adding French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Indonesian and Myanmar translations;
- minor fixes and improvements.

v.3.0a - 2016/10/17
- using Mediastore as main scan method;
- changing app icon;
- improving drawer menu;
- updating FFmpeg to version 3.1.4;
- updating libYUV;
- rebuild libraries with latest NDK13;
- target is now Android N (24);
- adding NEW tag for medias and folders;
- minor fixes and improvements.

ZipDroid / ZipDroid v.2.1a released!
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:35:47 AM »
List of changes of the current version:
v.2.1a - 2016/05/16
- refactoring Settings activity;
- minor fixes and improvements.

Video Player Android / Video Player 2.0a released!
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:34:49 AM »
We are very proud of this new release, that improves the user experience and fixes some known bugs:
v.2.0a - 2016/05/16
- implementing media search;
- adding support to online video streams;
- fixing a first start crash;
- minor fixes and improvements.

MP3 Video Converter / MP3 Converter v.2.9 "Python "released"!
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:33:40 AM »
The official changelog:
v. "Python" - 2016/05/18
- minor fixes and improvements.

v. "Python" - 2016/05/16
- synchronizing with latest commit of TVC;
- minor fixes and improvements.

Video Converter Android / Video Converter v.2.9 "Python" released!
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:31:45 AM »
Here the list of changes:
v. Python - 2016/05/18
- minor fixes and improvements.

v. "Python" - 2016/05/16
- refactoring Settings activity;
- adding some missing values for WxH property in Video options (thanks to @AchwaqKhalid);
- minor fixes and improvements.

jTorrent / jTorrent v.2.1b released!
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:30:52 AM »
This is the official changelog:
v.2.1b - 2016/05/16
- refactoring Settings activity;
- fixing a bug when pausing/resuming all torrents;
- fixing a bug when pausing/resuming a single torrent;
- fixing a bug when closing the application;
- improving torrent details fragment with big torrents;
- minor fixes and improvements.

Video Converter Android / Video Converter beta released!
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:57:46 PM »
Two days ago we published the first release of the beta version of our Video Converter for Android. We suggest all the users of this forum to try and install it. From now we will update this application before updating Video Converter or MP3 Video Converter. This is the official link to the application in the Play Store: Video Converter Beta.
Every thoughts about this new release will be more than welcome  ;)

Video Converter Android / Re: choosing sdcard as output folder
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:45:46 AM »
Yeah ok  ;)
So the COPY option is really useful. Generally to re-encode both video and audio streams of very big files (even 1GB) can be problematic so if you want to modify only one stream it can be done quickly.

Video Converter Android / Re: choosing sdcard as output folder
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:09:22 AM »
Welcome, I'm glad that everything works fine  :)
About the framerate modification, yes it should be insignificant since little variations about some multimedia settings are normal on output files.
@sterval thank you so much for your support, we would like to have this kind of support for every user if he/she finds problems.
If you have other questions or request feel free to contact us when you want  ;)

Video Converter Android / Re: choosing sdcard as output folder
« on: May 03, 2015, 11:16:19 AM »
Welcome  ;)
Btw sorry for the delay. After some days of tests we finally uploaded on our servers a build with the features requested.
These are the links:
Just install the two applications, no need uninstall the old ones first. Now we wait your feedback and of course of the other users who want to try these fresh builds  :)

Video Converter Android / Re: choosing sdcard as output folder
« on: April 24, 2015, 06:54:51 PM »
Ah yeah ok, now it's more clear  :)
Btw about what your reported, yes we did some tests and in fact by selecting the "COPY" the stream is not re-encoded and this means that if somebody selects it on the video or audio activity, then the video or audio stream remain the same in the output file. Of course this also means that if you select "COPY" in both audio or video activities everything else should be disabled because the options selected would not have effect. So this is finally the answer to your question: you can just avoid the re-encode of audio/video streams just selecting the COPY option in the corresponding activity.
@sterval, I have to be honest, this was another great suggestion, you have the possibility to appear two times in the changelog of next release  :D Of course we accepted the second report in the bug tracker. About the other thing, the communication, of course we will continue to use this forum because, as you wrote, can be useful for other users, and of course this is the main utility of this forum. But I prefer to exchange informations strictly related to the builds we will make you test on the mail, just for a matter of convenience.
Ok said it, we are implementing everything, the application is still in alpha stage but it is much stable now. From 2-3 days we will post again here and we will make you see how to get the development builds to test, we will publish also the development version of the codec because it is needed to update it too. Do you use a common ARMv7 Neon CPU right?

Video Converter Android / Re: choosing sdcard as output folder
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:50:17 PM »
Exact, it's a great feature and we really apprecciate your help :)
I saw you posted two things on the bug tracker, it's good because in this way we will insert the link and your reference in the changelog.
Btw about the second thing, the disable / grey out parameters when choosing \"copy\", it's incredible because just today we received a similar feedback by mail. The real problem is that, actually, the application has an option to copy only the original codecs (audio, video or both) so it is needed to add the COPY option for all the parameters in audio/video activities. Another important setting would be to do not touch video or audio tracks, this would need a little modify in the GUIs but I think all these things will be present in the final release of May, just a lot of test is needed.
So, @sterval, thanks for your availability for the test, give us some days to implement everything and we will soon inform you how to get the developmente builds (I think we will just upload the files in a public accessible folder in our server and we will give of course the links  ;)). Maybe we will also ask you a mail address or another way to communicate (like skype) in private later only to exchage informations strictly related to bugs.

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