Total Video Converter for Android v. "Dynamo" changelog - 2014/02/08
- updating icon;
- minimum Android version is now 2.3;
- patching internal codec framework;
- info writing now is a marquee when showing long strings;
- adding the option to open media files directly with Total Converter;
- adding informations about input file;
- adding more informations about conversions (kBs written and total conversion time);
- from now it is possible to exit by pressing BACK twice;
- general improvements for metadata informations (to see them a device reboot generally is required);
- fixed an error while uninstalling and reinstalling codec package;
- fixing some errors in FFMPEG output interpretation;
- fixing an error while starting a second conversion;
- fixing an error while resetting options after a conversion;
- adding a dialog while converting big media files;
- adjusting build version number;
- minor fixes and improvements.