
aKingi official

Three years of aKingi

admin Friday September 30, 2016
Exactly three years ago aKingi org was born and our first apps were published in the Play Store. Our team has been doing a lot during these years and we are really happy that thousand of users download and install our apps, leaving almost always a positive feedback. Our goal is to create solutions to help people using computers in everyday life to achieve their purposes and during our work we never focus the development on the earning part (and of course, the latest apps published with the so called WYSIWYG philosophy, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get, are a good example of this). The last month was really important for our products since we updated almost all of them, fixing bugs and adding more features. Video Converter also reached 2.000.000 downloads and, again, we wanna thank everybody uses our applications every day, in particular for this one. Of course the next step is to arrive to 5.000.000 installs. Meanwhile we are also performing some codec-related tests, in fact we totally deleted them for MP3 Converter and for the ex beta version of Video Converter, now simply Video Converter 3. If these tests will have good feedbacks and a few bugs we’ll implement everything on the main TVC version. We also published a new version of our site and reset again the bug tracker, because of a problem with our database, and for this we created a backup mechanism to prevent this kind of problems. But that’s not all folks! We are working on some new projects that will be announced on the next months. So stay tuned and keep following our social profiles for all the updates!
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