
aKingi official

Torrent Downloader 2 (aka jTorrent 5.0a) released!

admin Tuesday March 12, 2019

Yesterday we released a new app, Torrent Downloader 2.
This piece of software represents a complete rewrite of our main product, jTorrent, a full featured torrent download manager with 1.000.000+ downloads worldwide from the first release in 2014.
Torrent Downloader 2 was published with the version string 5.0a, which represents the direct connections of the two applications. We started rewriting jTorrent at the beginning of January, rebasing the core part from a custom libTorrent NDK project to the awesome libTorrent4j and with other important changes and fixes. This is a partial changelog:

v.5.0a ~ 2019.03
- CORE part totally rebuilt;
- no more download problems when the users switches off the screen (thanks to a smart service);
- better notification support when exposing current download status;
- GUI rewritten, using tabs to select torrents by state and a nav drawer as app menu;
- move to AndroidX;
- add a multi option Floating Action Button as torrent selection add type;
- improved app logo;
- fix HTTP torrent downloads and torrent files loading;
- minor fixes and improvements.

Notice the porting of the project to AndroidX and the improvements of the torrent download procedure by using a custom (smart) service.
Now after a period of testing, we are going to merge the new code in the old jTorrent repo, so jTorrent will soon see a 5.0(x) update.
This 5.0a will be just a starting point, we will keep fixing bugs and introducing enhancements in a two weeks window, until reaching perfection.
We encourage everybody to install and test Torrent Downloader 2 from this link and to report bugs.

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